Monday, December 31, 2012

His Glory Alone (HGA)

For His Glory Alone
We make His name known
Fall flat on your face
As you approach the Throne of Grace
And see the Lamb who took our place
See His wounded side
The wound He received while being crucified
From His side comes the precious flow
That makes us white as snow
Where else shall we go?
For there is no other place
By which we may enter to see the LORD's holy face
For at the cross the Lamb was slain
To bring honor and glory to His name
For this reason we make His name known
Not for our sake but for His Glory Alone (HGA)

Originally written 19 August 2010

Monday, December 24, 2012

City of David

From the city of David
Out of the house of bread (Bethlehem)
Comes the One who proceeds forth from the Godhead
Born in a manger
During a time of great danger
To Egypt He fled
Because Herod wanted every Hebrew male child dead
Out of Egypt the LORD called His Son
His holy and anointed One
To Nazareth in Galilee He went
So that the words of the prophets
"He shall be called a Nazarene"
Would come to fulfillment
With signs and wonders bearing witness to His name
They did not recognize Him when He came
"No prophet has risen out of Galilee"
But Jonah and Nahum came from the region by the sea
Blessed is the Man from the region by the sea
The second person of the Trinity
Who holds the keys to Death and Hades
Bow to the Ranger from the North, the One who can traverse the Gap
He has been given power to take His own life back

Originally written 31 December 2010

Monday, December 17, 2012

In The Furnace

Men are preparing us for the furnace
What have we done to deserve this?
We would not bow down in service
To worship an image of gold placed before us
The King asks us if we continue to disobey
Who will be able to deliver us from his hand today?
We have been exiled to Babylon
Because we sinned against El-Elyon
We remember the past sins of our people
And know the LORD is God and there is none equal
"O King, we have no answer for our disobedience
But we can not worship you and change our allegiance"
The King's face is full of fury
But we do not worry
For we know the LORD is sovereign
Turning back is no longer an option
The intensity of the flames has been raised by seven
Into the furnace we are descending
The men who pushed us in at the top
Have been burned alive because the fire was so hot
We hear shouting from outside
Stand on our feet and realize we are alive
We turn and look at each other
And see in the midst of the flames stands another
There were only three but now there are four
We see the door open wide
And hear,
"Come out servants of the Most High!"
We exit the furnace leaving the fourth Man behind
We remember the story that took place near the land of Cush
The Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush
Give glory to the LORD for He alone is worthy of praise
Is the LORD with in the midst of the flames?

Inspired by Daniel 3

Friday, December 14, 2012

How Do You Gauge Success?

We represent the King in thoughts, words and deeds
And we preach the Gospel encouraging men to repent and believe
In the One who was crucified on a tree
For although we preach the Truth, many refuse to believe
And we feel we have failed not seeing anyone bow their knee
For whom but the LORD can number the redeemed?
Success is not determined by the number grafted into the tree
It is determined by obedience to the work that the LORD has given to thee

Originally written 4 August 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

When We Were Kings...

When We Were Kings...
Everyone did what was right in his own eyes
We exchanged the Truth for a lie
When We Were Kings...
We confessed the Law with our lips
But we did not understand Deuteronomy 6
When We Were Kings...
We tried to be Prophet and Priest as well
But we were left standing at a dried up well
When We Were Kings...
We did not train our children in the way they should walk
Now they outline each other in chalk
When We Were Kings...
We sought praise from men instead of from the One
Who delivered Daniel from the Lion's Den
When We Were Kings...
We did not recognize the Word in the flesh
Instead we put Him to death and watched Him breathe His last breath
When We Were Kings...
We did not fear the One who can put our soul to death
We did not seek the One who conquered death
We did not receive the One who reverses death
When We Were Kings...
We took a stand against the Great I AM
And against His Holy Lamb, the Son of Man
When We Were Kings...

Inspired by 1 Samuel 8