Monday, April 8, 2013

How Long Have You Been With Me?

You heard the Voice before My ministry began
My works were done throughout the land
My messenger's voice was crying in the wilderness, "Prepare Ye the Way..."
Leaders came to Me by night and not by day
If you do not believe the words I say
At least believe the works that I have done
For there is coming a day where you will know that I and My Father are one
When you see Christ you see God for they are one and the same
For Christ is the Messenger in whom God has placed His name
For indeed man is flesh and the Spirit of God will not always strive with man
So repent and believe lest you be uprooted from the land
Do you still not believe? Do you still not know?
How long did I dwell among you in the flesh?
Why will you not come to Me to be set free from sin and death?

Inspired by John 14:1-11

Monday, April 1, 2013

Build on...Stand on

Upon what do you build?
Upon what do you stand?
Are you trusting in the words of man?
Do you not know that his words are like sinking sand?

Build on Christ the chief cornerstone
For no other foundation should there be for those that are His own
Nothing else does the child of God need
But to abide in the Word that God breathed

Stand firm on His Word for it will not pass away
It will keep you until He returns on that day
For His Word is profitable and complete
And able to teach you to stand on your feet
Meditate upon it day and night
And it will be to your soul like a guiding light